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Is Wheel Alignment Necessary with New Tyres?

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

Wheel alignment

So is wheel alignment necessary?

Wheel alignments aren't necessary when you have new tyres installed, but they're a really good idea. An alignment helps ensure all four wheels are correctly angled with each other and the road- which will make for an even smoother ride!

When should I get my wheels realigned:

Alignments should happen about every year, but you'll want to check your owner's manual for specific instructions on what is best suited depending upon the conditions of travel in YOUR vehicle. The general rule here would be that if there are harsh roads or pothole-filled streets where hitting these bumps could jar things enough so they move out of alignment then more often than not people will need their car aligned much quicker.

Why should I get my wheels aligned:

Aligning your car's wheels can help you save money in a couple of ways. We've already explained how poorly aligned tyres may wear out faster and need replacing more often, but get this! Misalignment also decreases gas mileage by up to 10%. Therefore, an alignment could be the perfect solution for those who are looking at their fuel costs closely - especially if they want better economy or acceleration times on gas-powered cars.

A properly aligned vehicle will allow drivers greater control over performance while maximizing longevity through improved traction which leads to less wheel spin during turns making them easier going even when wet weather approaches.

Do I have to get all my wheels aligned at once:

Whether you have a car, small SUV or van - all vehicles today require four-wheel alignment. Some cars with solid rear axles can only have their front wheels aligned while others might need an additional check of the rears for damage which would compromise handling skills at high speeds (and this is something we always want to be aware of!).

Do I need wheel alignment?

Signs your vehicle needs the wheels aligning:


We all know that when we drive down the road, our steering wheel should be in line with where it's pointed. If you see any variation from this norm or if your car starts going off course then there could potentially be an issue with alignment and NEEDS ALIGNMENT!

Drifting or Pulling

When you're traveling down a straight, level road and your vehicle starts to veer in one direction? You may have an alignment problem. If the steering wheel needs more pressure than usual as soon as it starts going off course then this might be bad news for both tyres!

Vibrating Steering Wheel

If you’re noticing that your vehicle's steering wheel is vibrating then there might be an alignment issue. This can cause the wheels to pull against one another and result in a shaking car, which would make people who travel with us also feel it - so if they're complaining let us know!

Loose Steering Wheel

Steering wheel play and poor response from turning the tyre may be an indication that power steering is causing alignment issues. If you notice this problem, get it checked out with professional help at Double D Tyres!

Uneven Tyre Wear

The best way to check your vehicle’s alignment is by looking at the depth of the tread on either side. If one appears more worn than another then there might be an issue with camber or toe adjustment, respectively- so make sure you get it adjusted as soon as possible!

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